This is a movement/dance/theatre class that activates imagination, sensitivity and emotions, colours, music, fiction, and (hi)story. In Greek, with contemporary and older Greek music, as well as music written for children's theatre, with tales, myths and stories taken from contemporary and classical children's literature & theatre, which we perceive in an embodied way (parents and children together) in the space and time of the 'here and now'. In this class we don't expect children to 'do', but we rather focus on parents/carers and how much they enjoy it. In this way, the children learn from their elders, while at the same time we give the children different stimuli to 'open' their senses. The beauty of the class is that we have babies and children of different ages together, so the younger ones learn from the older ones and the older ones become more confident. In this class parents and children interact, move, improvise, dance and tell stories together! January- April '25 @TANZHAUS ZÜRICH, Studio 1 FRIDAYS 18.00-18.45 DATES: 17.01, 24.01, 31.01, 07.02, 28.02 07.03, 14.03, 21.03, 28.03, 04.04, 11.04 COST: 390CHF for 1 child On the 31st of January and the 21st of March during the class we will have invited Peggy Stefanidou to give a seminar on educational drama informed by embodied tasks and the class we already have.
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